Sunday, May 17, 2020

Persuasive Communication Cell Phones in School - 656 Words

Assignment Part A Cell Phones in School: Persuasive Map Personal Opinion: Students should NOT be permitted to carry their cell phones to school Reason 1: Cell phones could bring about unnecessary disruptions to the learning environment Reason 2: Students could use cell phones to cheat during exams Fact to Support Reason 1: Researchers have found out that the amount of time children spend online has an impact on not only their class concentration levels but also their ability to pay attention Fact to Support Reason 2: More than a third of students have in the past admitted to having used their cell phones to cheat during a test Source for Reason 1 Bloxham, Andy. Social Networking: Teachers Blame Facebook and Twitter for Pupils Poor Grades. USNews, 2010. Web. 15 August 2013 Source for Reason 2 Miners, Zach. One Third of Teens Use Cell Phones to Cheat in School. The Telegraph, 2009. Web. 15 August 2013 Assignment Part B: Review of the Persuasion Map Part 1: Letter Entry My Name Belmont, CA 73738 August 15, 2013 Mr. Martin Silverman ABC University 118 Indoor Road Mason, OH 783990 Dear Mr. Silver Man: Cell Phones in School Whether or not students should be permitted to carry their cell phones to school has been one of the most hotly debated issues in recent times. Personally, I am of the opinion that students should not be allowed to carry their phones to school. It is important to note that in recent times, quite a number of learning institutions haveShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay : Student Cheating729 Words   |  3 Pages Student Cheating Persuasive Essay It’s no secret that every teacher as encountered one of their students cheating off one another; whether because they didn’t study the night before or because in their mind, they felt the need to. 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